When I was first diagnosed with fibroids in 2015, I remember feeling unsure of what this would mean for my quality of life or life goals. I had never heard of fibroids before then and I was in my mid-twenties and still wanted to have children. There is not a lot of research on fibroids regarding what causes fibroids or how to prevent them; only the consensus that they were common occurrences for women in their childbearing years. In 2020, my fibroids had grown considerably, the largest being 14.5 cm. and I was in constant discomfort. After considerable research on various options, I made the decision to have an operation called an open myomectomy. My surgery took place January 2020 and 8 weeks after my recovery ended Covid took the world by storm. But in the midst of the chaos, at the end of 2020, I was reborn and the Original Black Phoenix brand was birthed.

The Original Black Phoenix - Meaning

The Phoenix is the rebirth of mind, body and soul. The Phoenix represents any woman who is diagnosed with Fibroids who has decided to take control of her life, by being intentional with her health decisions, a woman who decides to live her best quality of life without fear.

You’ll notice that the Phoenix floats above a crescent which is how I choose to see the C-section scar I received from my open myomectomy, it’s a symbol of when I decided to take control of my health. Additionally the phoenix is made of small crescents showing how beauty can come from difficult moment’s in life. I am reminded each day of how far I have come. To the woman reading this message, you are stronger that you believe and I am so proud that you are taking the necessary steps for your best quality of life. You too are a Phoenix.

“Continue to educate others, bring awareness and be the light you wish you had when you began your journey.”

-Sent with love,

The Original Black Phoenix