What are Fibroids?
Fibroids or leiomyoma are typically non-cancerous tumors that develop in a uterus. Fibroids can be as small as pea or as large a melon. There is no known cause for fibroids but it is believed that they are affected by hormones.
Types of Fibroids?
Intramural: Within the muscular walls of the uterus and typically can cause heavy bleeding or pressure symptoms.
Submucosal: Either inside or abutting the uterine cavity and typically cause heavy bleeding (least common type).
Subserosal: Outer wall of the uterus and typically cause bulk or pressure symptoms.
Pedunculated: Fibroids on a thin stalk (less common).
Heavy menstrual cycles
Pelvic Pressure
Constipation/Back Pain
Pain During Intercourse
Frequent Urination